Tuesday, December 28, 2010

5 Things from President/CEO/Director, Annette Cone-Skelton

Dear Friends and Supporters:

I want to share with you five things that make me most proud of MOCA GA:

  1. MOCA GA supports Georgia artists by building a permanent collection of their artworks and archiving their histories for generations to come.
  2. MOCA GA creates programs that establish a forum for active dialogue between the artistic community and the community at large.
  3. MOCA GA produces scholarly exhibitions and catalogues.
  4. MOCA GA encourages Georgia artists to stay in Georgia; which in turn encourages artists from outside of the state to see Georgia as a viable place to live and build a career.
  5. MOCA GA has built a home for Georgia artists by creating a highly respected and well established museum.

We hope you are proud of The Museum as well and will make a donation to MOCA GA Annual Fund.

Happy Holidays!

Annette Cone-Skelton


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thank You Loridans!

The Charles Loridans Foundation has been one of MOCA GA's biggest supporters from the very beginning. Today's article by Howard Pousner in the Atlanta Journal Constitution highlighted the very important work they are doing for the arts in Atlanta, including us here at MOCA GA. We are so very grateful for their trust and support over the years.

These are just a few of the many exhibitions the Charles Loridans Foundation has made possible at MOCA GA:

Maria Artemis - Events that Rhyme

Marcia R. Cohen - Sight Specific

Matt Haffner - Dreams of a Sleeping Giant

Danielle Roney - Genesis Trial: Johannesburg

Don Cooper - This Moment as It is: A Connection to the Whole

Larry Walker - Surface, Spirit Voices and Other Secrets: The Wall Series in Transition

Off-the-Wall Pin-Up Show 2010

MOCA GA's Annual Off-the-Wall Pin-Up Show + Sale was held on Friday night, November 19th and it was a HUGE success! We had a great turn out and some fabulous art! 100% of the proceeds from the art sales went directly to artists!

Earlier in the day, MOCA GA invited gallery owners and/or directors and art connoisseurs from around Atlanta to pick their favorite ten pieces from the show. All the judging was anonymous.



Robert Sherer


Terry Monaghan & Rocío Rodríguez


Philip Carpenter


Kemp Mooney, Katherine Taylor, & Ilia Varcev


John Bohannon, Joe Camoosa, Corrine Colarusso, Bethany Collins, Jaynie Crimmins, Mariana Depetris, Jean C. Glenn, Rebecca Hanna, Esin Saglam, Ann Stewart, Lieze Truter, & Christian Bradley West


Meg Aubrey, Susan Duncan, Richie Gunn, Jacob Gunter, Jennifer Hightower, Janine Joffe, Karl Gustav Kroeppler, Carl Linstrum, Arthur "Theo" Matthews, Daniel Yuto Melcher, David C. Mendoza, Patty Nelson Merrifield, Lynne Moody, Neil Patel, Samuel Parker, Seana Reilly, Nell Ruby, Philip Short, Michelle Slifeak, Stephen Sweny, Stephanie Urbas, & Devin Wells


Katherine Allen, Jo Baskerville, Eileen Braun, Barbara Brenner, Jonathan K. Callicutt, Lance Carlson, Claire Chapman, Brandon Crawford, Eilis Crean, Ramona Creel, Katherine Hartwig Dahl, B. Evan Davis, Terri Dilling, Nancy Floyd, Dolores French, Jerushia Graham, Jes Griffin, Anne Hathaway, Jenny Henley, Judie Jacobs, Joe S. Lerner III, Robert Matre, Corrina Sephora Mensoff, Rob Milam, Allison Miller, Mike Nalley, Segun Olowofoyeku, Heath Patterson, Noelle Peterson, Kristina Ramos, Donald Robson, Theo Rudnak, Seyed "Mo" Safavynia, Kevin Sandy, Corrina Sephora Mensoff, Edward Smucygz, Erin K. Spangler, Erwin Spinner, Terry Stephens, John Sumner, Kate Turner, Lisa Tuttle, Gena Spivey VanDerKloot, Michael West, & Matthew White

To see more photos from the event please visit our website Pin-Up page or visit the MOCA GA Facebook page.

Artist Talk: Andy Ditzler of John Q

"Memory, Sound, Performance"

Artist Talk with Andy Ditzler of John Q

Thursday, Dec. 9th, 6:30pm Reception, 7pm Discussion

@ MOCA GA in the Education/Resource Center

Andy Ditzler
Andy Ditzler during John Q's Memory Flash / photo by Bo Shell/GA Voice
Memory, Sound, Performance
A multimedia lecture and performance at MOCA GA

Thursday, December 9th, 6:30pm Reception, 7pm Talk/Performance
In the MOCA GA Education Resource Center

In April 2010, Atlanta art collective John Q presented Memory Flash - a four-part series of installations and interventions exploring the archives of queer Atlanta through the use of public space. The time-based components of Memory Flash performance, sound, film, and memory itself encircled each other in unexpected ways during (and after) the event. And each of these time-based components revealed relations to the idea of space.

Andy Ditzler's artist talk examines the connections in Memory Flash. The talk incorporates texts and stories, field recordings, live sound, and 16mm film projection including Andy Warhol's Screen Test films to examine issues of memory, time, performance, and space, as well as the artistic influences on Memory Flash.

Discursive Documents: Performing the Catalogue, will be open through January 8, 2011